HomeAppVirality DocsAppVirality APIsGet User Reward Info

Get User Reward Info

Get the rewards benefited by a user for a particular campaign or growth hack type

This API call allows you to get detailed info regarding the rewards held under a user’s account. The details include things like reward type, reward date, reward status, etc.

Just like the Coupon List or Friend List, this API could be useful in building similar features that personalize the Referral Information page of a user. This notwithstanding, you may utilize this info for your own internal dashboards & reporting.

Base URL  https://api.appvirality.com

 POST         /v2_0/getuserrewardinfo

Content-Type application/json


Input i.e. Request

"EmailId": "",
"UserIdInstore": "",
Input Params
Input Params Description
apikey API Key of the App
Get it from Dashboard >> App Details
privatekey Private key for API requests
Get it from: Dashboard >> App Details >> Click App Settings >> Scroll down to Advanced Settings
User Key for the an App user – a unique identifier for every App User recorded
Email of the User, updated to AppVirality
Users will be fetched based on Usertype Referrer or Friend or LoyaltyUser
Store Id of the App user, updated to AppVirality – a unique identifier of the user in your App
Unique ID of a campaign, generated by AppVirality
Type of Growth Hack
values: Word_of_Mouth or Loyalty_Program

conditional – One of the conditional parameters is mandatory to identify the user. Priority for user identification is userkey, UserIdInstore and EmailId


These response parameters are slightly more complex than the usual ones seen before.

Note that a few parameter values in the JSON will conditionally depend on what value is held inside the param usertype (possibly: Friend, Referrer, LoyaltyUser).

All rewards are tagged to the UserKey queried only. The parameter usertype denotes the courtesy to which user this reward was benefited from.
for example: When usertype = Referrer, then it implies that the User earned this reward because his friend acted on his Invite to app (or any such Reward linked activity)

Here is how it will reflect:

  • if usertype = Friend , then fields (name, email, image) correspond to the Referrer.
  • if usertype = Referrer, then fields (name, email, image) will correspond to the Friend.


  "rewards": [
      "usertype": "Friend",         // user type i.e. Friend/Referrer/LoyaltyUser
      "name": "peter2",             // Name of Referrer -> corresponds to given UserKey
      "image": "",                  // Image of same user as above
      "email": "test209263@gmail.com",// email of same user as above
      "userIdInStore": "1e2wws",    // storeid of same user as above
      "reward": "250.00",
      "rewardUnit": "Rs",
      "rewardedon": "11-Jul-2015",
      "eventName": "Signup",
      "rewardstatus": "Suspicious",   // reward status i.e. Rewarded, Rejected, Suspicious, Pending
      "rewardtype": "InstoreCredits", // implies Wallet
      "coupon": "",
      "campaignID": "214",
      "campaignName": "campign",
      "growthhack": "Word_of_Mouth",
      "couponimage": "",             // Coupon Pool Image
      "coupondetails": "",           // Coupon Pool Description
      "couponname": ""               // Coupon Pool Name
      "usertype": "Referrer",        // user type i.e. Friend/Referrer/LoyaltyUser
      "name": "rahul",               // Name of User's Friend -> corresponds to reward
      "image": "",                   // Image of same user as above
      "email": "test109365@gmail.com",// email of same user as above
      "userIdInStore": "2we2wws",    // storeid of same user as above
      "reward": "150.00",
      "rewardUnit": "Rs",
      "rewardedon": "11-Jul-2015",
      "eventName": "Install",
      "rewardstatus": "Suspicious",
      "rewardtype": "InstoreCredits",
      "coupon": "",
      "campaignID": "214",
      "campaignName": "campign",
      "growthhack": "Word_of_Mouth",
      "couponimage": "",
      "coupondetails": "",
      "couponname": ""
      "usertype": "LoyaltyUser",    // user type i.e. Friend/Referrer/LoyaltyUser
      "name": "peter2",             // Name of User -> corresponds to given UserKey
      "image": "",                  // Image of same user as above
      "email": "test209263@gmail.com",// email of same user as above
      "userIdInStore": "3s2ffs",    // storeid of same user as above
      "reward": "10.00",
      "rewardUnit": "Coins",
      "rewardedon": "8-Sep-2016",
      "eventName": "Install",
      "rewardstatus": "Rewarded",
      "rewardtype": "Coupon",
      "coupon": "second",
      "campaignID": "664",
      "campaignName": "suresh loyal",
      "growthhack": "Loyalty_Program",
      "couponimage": "",
      "coupondetails": "",
      "couponname": "second"
  "success": true,
  "statuscode": 1,            // code based on status of the API call
  "message": success          // Information regarding API call (if relevant)

Status codes which you will see while using Get User Reward Info API

Status codes and description for API responses
Status Code Description
0 No data found for the search criteria
1 Success
2 Invalid User Key
3 Invalid GrowthHack
4 Invalid CampaignID
5 Invalid StoreID or EmailID
7 Invalid Reward User Type
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