HomeAppVirality DocsAppVirality APIsGet User Coupons

Get User Coupons

Delivers the list of coupons earned by an app user – across all growth hacks

This API call would allow you to get the list of coupons tagged against a user at any instance of time.

Coupon Only

This is applicable for the campaign where users had earned credits via coupons only.
Hence only those campaigns which have their Reward Distribution set as Coupon would be sourced in this call. No credits earned via Wallet based incentives will be listed.

This feature is enabled by default when you integrate using our SDK, and choose to continue with the given resources inside the SDK.

In the EARNINGS tab, we show users their individual coupons tally, categorized against each type of Growth Campaign.

Base URL  https://api.appvirality.com

 POST         /v2_0/getusercoupons

Content-Type application/json

Input i.e. Request

"EmailId": "",
"UserIdInstore": ""

All the parameters mentioned above have been discussed in detail in prior help documentation.



Parameters requiring explanation have been marked off with explanation employing code comments
The rest are self-explanatory

  "coupons": [ 
      "couponCode": "VRTE2005",          // coupon code
      "couponExpiry": "30-Jun-2016",
      "couponValue": "5",
      "couponUnit": "Coins",
      "campaignID": "283",
      "campaignName": "mom grocery",
      "image": "",                      // coupon pool image
      "details": "",                    // coupon pool description
      "name": "VRTE"                    // coupon pool name
      "couponCode": "CRTE1010",
      "couponExpiry": "30-Jun-2016",
      "couponValue": "10",
      "couponUnit": "Coins",
      "campaignID": "283",
      "campaignName": "mom grocery",
      "image": "",
      "details": "pool description",
      "name": "CRTE"
      "couponCode": "TUM201",
      "couponExpiry": "30-Jun-2016",
      "couponValue": "10",
      "couponUnit": "Coins",
      "campaignID": "283",
      "campaignName": "mom grocery",
      "image": "",
      "details": "",
      "name": "TUM"
  "success": true,
  "statuscode": 1,            // code based on status of the API call
  "message": success          // Information regarding API call (if relevant)

Status codes which you will see while using Get User Coupons API

Status codes and description for API responses
Status Code Description
0 No data found for the search criteria
1 Success
2 Invalid User Key
5 Invalid StoreID or EmailID
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