HomeAppVirality DocsAdvanced ConfigurationsWeb-hook Configuration

Web-hook Configuration

Campaign Rewards can be configured in the AppVirality Dashboard to be reported as server-side callbacks. This is considered to be a very secure and prominent practice.

AppVirality currently allows you to host two different Growth Hacks from the Dashboard: In-App Referral Program & Loyalty Program. Each growth hack type has a slightly varying set of webhooks. Lets explore them in detail now.

Important Note

Make the Redeem Rewards API call for the user rewards redemption, to communicate AppVirality that the user’s rewards have been redeemed, after:

  • You have received the Webhook on your HTTP endpoint
  • Translated the Payload/JSON data into User rewards info
  • Updated the appropriate User Wallet/Account, in accordance to the above translated User Rewards

Reward notifications through Web hooks are user-defined HTTP post backs which are triggered on pre-defined events to receive the reward/event information.

Each web hook expects a HTTP URL to deliver payload (web hook data).

To configure the Web hook URLs navigate to:

  • App Details on your AppVirality Dashboard by clicking on left menu,
  • Select the desired campaign from the available list (these are the ones which are either in Drafted or Live status, implying that these are the only ones which you may have created – even if partially)
  • Click on More, an array of new options shall show up
  • Click on Notifications
  • Switch over to the Web Hooks tab

Dashboard >> App Details >> Select Appropriate Campaign and Click on More on the campaign card >> Click on Notifications >> Switch to Web Hooks tab

Notifications Navigation
Notifications Navigation


Navigate to: 

  • Reward Configuration‘ from your Dashboard
  • Select the appropriate Campaign from the dropdown
  • Select WALLET under Configure User Rewards 
Webhook Configurations from Reward Configurations panel
Webhook Configurations from Reward Configurations panel

Secure Key – This is a key parameter that is set by you to identify AppVirality as an authorized server to call the web hook

 NOTE: Web hook call expects HTTP 200 OK Status Code as response.

In case of any failure, the re-send call attempt is made for a maximum of 5 times


For the In App Referral growth hack, the webhook configuration requires 3 webhook URLs, where all would exist and operate on a mutually exclusive basis, i.e. they do not have any inter dependencies when it comes to their individual operation. The 3 webhooks shall hence forth be identified as follows:

  • Conversion Event URL
  • Friend Reward Webhook URL
  • Referrer Reward Webhook URL

This callback is received when a successful Conversion Event is triggered. The payload contains information regarding the rewards received by Referrer and Friend.

This webhook will get fired immediately; if the user is eligible for the reward, on receiving the conversion event.

NOTE: Conversion webhook will get fired immediately on successful conversion. Fraud check will not happen by the time this webhook get’s fired. Please use Check Reward status API before rewarding the users.

Method POST
Content-Type application/json
// Referrals
      "location":"Hyderabad, Telangana, India"
      "location":"Hyderabad, Telangana, India"
Payload Parameters Explained


Triggered when a friend is rewarded

There is a delay of 5-15 minutes, for this webhook to get fired – after the Friend Reward event is received

The web hook data includes details of friend who was rewarded along with referrer details (whom he/she is referred by). Input parameters received are same as on Conversion.

Method POST
Content-Type application/json
    "location":"Hyderabad, Telangana, India"
    "location":"Hyderabad, Telangana, India"
Payload Parameters Explained


Triggers on referrer meeting the eligibility criteria for the incentives configured in the campaign, but for Coupons case it is triggered after rewarding the user. The payload contains reward details which is sent to the referrer.

There is a delay of 5-15 minutes, for this webhook to get fired – after the Referrer Reward event is received

NOTE: This webhook gets called with a delay of 5 minutes, as the background service checks the user rewards against the redemptioncap for every 5 minutes. This web-hook gets triggered only if the referrer balance is greater than(or at least equal) to redemptioncap in case of Instore Credits

Method POST
Content-Type application/json
 "location":"Hyderabad, Telangana, India",
Payload Parameters Explained


For the Loyalty growth hack, the webhook configuration requires only 2 webhook URLs, where all would exist and operate on a mutually exclusive basis, i.e. they do not have any inter dependencies when it comes to their individual operation. These two webhooks shall hence forth be identified as follows:

  • Conversion Event URL
  • User Reward Webhook URL

This callback is received when a successful Conversion Event is triggered.

This would happen in cross-validation to the Loyalty Campaign Reward Rules you would have defined on the Dashboard for your app. The payload contains information regarding the rewards being issued to the USER.

Method POST
Content-Type application/json
      "location":"Hyderabad, Telangana, India"
Payload Parameters Explained


Triggers on User meeting the eligibility criteria for the incentives configured in the Loyalty campaign. The payload contains reward details which is are to be updated for the user.

Method POST
Content-Type application/json
   "location":"Hyderabad, Telangana, India",
   "campaignname":"suresh loyal",
Payload Parameters Explained


You may need to test/inspect/debug your webhook integration while setting up the above configurations.

Download sample project on Web-hook Implementation using RESTful WCF service with C#

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