HomeSaaS Referral Program GuideAPIsRedeem Rewards

Redeem Rewards

This API call allows you to redeem or cash out the rewards for a particular user, allowing batch processing of rewards or to process by gross amount of rewards

Not Applicable for Coupons and Stripe

This service call helps to redeem the referrer rewards in case “In-store Credits” i.e. Wallet is configured as the type of rewards. No need to call this method if the reward type is Coupon or Stripe since AppVirality will be distributing the coupons/processing stripe events automatically.


This is the API call that you shall employ to credit balances into an influencer’s wallet or in-app credit pool. It is very well understood that a user can earn multiple rewards thanks to the fact that he can share the app to a big set of his acquaintances. For every conversion he would be eligible for a reward.

If you’d have some custom algorithm to initiate the transfer of rewards to the user’s account, just make this API call immediately after the algorithm finishes from your side.

Rewards redemption can be achieved in 3 ways:

  • By Reward IDs declared
  • By Amount

 Base URL

 POST         /saas/v1_0/redeemrewards

Content-Type application/json

Input i.e. Request

Below sample inputs would be guides to how you can redeem rewards for a user, in all three methods mentioned above.
Note that the below methods are listed in decreasing order of preference, as treated by the AppVirality preference.


You may redeem a large set of Rewards for a user, in the below mentioned manner.
This is applicable for the Wallet or InStore Credits scenario of coupon distribution.

// Declared Reward IDs would be redeemed for the User mentioned


This will redeem the stated amount of credits to the user mentioned, in his Wallet or InStore Credit.
As you may understand this would not work when the coupon distribution is set up for Coupons.

"email": "",
// declared amount would be updated to the Wallet of the user
Importance of ‘GrowthHack’ & ‘CampaignID’

GrowthHack notifies the system to redeem the credits of the user towards the mentioned GrowthHack type, i.e. SaaS_Referrals. In case you have missed adding the same, the credits would still be redeemed regardless of whatever growth hack it might be.

Similar to above, mentioning the CampaignID enables the system to lodge the earnings against a particular campaign. Failing to do this will simply redeem the rewards irrespective of campaign.


Response Params
Output Params Description
success returns true on successful execution
message Information regarding API call (if relevant)
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