HomeSaaS Referral Program GuideAPIsGet Campaign Data

Get Campaign Data

This API call will help you gather all info regarding a Campaign

It is often required for you to have details of the campaign, so that you may use this info for some custom in app messaging or informing end users dynamically.

This API call shall give you the complete details pertaining to a Campaign – rules, social channels, messages, etc.

 Base URL

 POST         /saas/v1_0/getcampaigndata

Content-Type application/json

Input i.e. Request

Input Params
Input Params Description
apikey API Key of the Product
Get it from Dashboard >> App Details
privatekey Private key for API requests
Get it from: Dashboard >> App Details >> Click App Settings >> Advanced 
campaignid Unique ID of a campaign


Response parameters have been explained in the form of code comments, where ever deemed necessary.
Get in touch with us if you have additional clarifications.

  "appid": "840",    // Unique ID for an app on your dashboard/account
  "campaignid": "839",  // Unique ID for Campaign assigned by AppVirality
  "campaignname": "SaaS+Referrals",
  "offertitle": "Refer+%26+Get+10%25+Discount",
  "offerdescription": "Give+your+friend+15%25+discount+and+earn+10%25+++upto+100%25+for+6+Months",
  "campaignbgcolor": "#04b1c2",
  "campaignstartdate": "Feb 03, 2017 02:55:40 PM",
  "widgetfont": "Lato",
  "lastmodifieddate": "2017-03-21 10:24:46",
  "socialactions": [
      "campaignsocialactionid": "9982",
      "socialactionid": "1",
      "socialactionname": "Facebook",
      "sharemessage": "Just+found+a+great+app!+I%27m+sure+you+will+like+it+too%3a+SHARE_URL+.+Use+my+referral+code+SHARE_CODE+",
      "sharetitle": "Awesome+Product+Try+It.+Get+25%25+Discount",
      "shareimageurl": "",
      "displayorder": "2",
      "sharemessagetype": 0
      "campaignsocialactionid": "9983",
      "socialactionid": "2",
      "socialactionname": "Twitter",
      "sharemessage": "Just+found+a+great+app!+I%27m+sure+you+will+like+it+too%3a+SHARE_URL+.+Use+my+referral+code+SHARE_CODE+",
      "sharetitle": "",
      "shareimageurl": "",
      "displayorder": "3",
      "sharemessagetype": 0
      "campaignsocialactionid": "9981",
      "socialactionid": "5",
      "socialactionname": "Mail",
      "sharemessage": "Just+found+a+great+app!+I%27m+sure+you+will+like+it+too%3a+SHARE_URL+.+Use+my+referral+code+SHARE_CODE+",
      "sharetitle": "Awesome+Product+Try+It.+Get+25%25",
      "shareimageurl": "",
      "displayorder": "1",
      "sharemessagetype": 0
      "campaignsocialactionid": "9984",
      "socialactionid": "14",
      "socialactionname": "CustomLink",
      "sharemessage": "",
      "sharetitle": "",
      "shareimageurl": "",
      "displayorder": "6",
      "sharemessagetype": 0
  "customdomain": "", // Custom Domain for Referral Link
  "rewardtype": "3", // No Incentive = 0, Referrer = 1, Friend = 2, Reward Referrer and Friend = 3
  "rewardrules": [  //campaign rules for reward distribution
      "campaignid": 839,
      "rewardusertype": "Friend",
      "eventname": "Signup",
      "reward": 15,
      "rewardunit": "% Discount",
      "rewardfrequency": 6,
      "mintranvalue": 0,
      "maxrewardamount": 0,
      "categories": null,
      "inclusionsandexclusions": []
      "campaignid": 839,
      "rewardusertype": "Referrer",
      "eventname": "Transaction",
      "reward": 10,
      "rewardunit": "% Discount",
      "rewardfrequency": 6,
      "mintranvalue": 0,
      "maxrewardamount": 0,
      "categories": null,
      "inclusionsandexclusions": []
  "success": true,
  "message": null
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